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Cases and more

Welcome to my blog! My Name is Holger Hellinger. As a Director of Experience Engineering at Publicis Sapient, I bring over 20 years of expertise in leading dynamic teams and managing innovative web projects. This space is where I'll share case studies, code snippets, and insights into creating user-centric, accessible web experiences. Dive into my world of Agile project management, web design, SEO, and effective CMS scaling. Join me in exploring the intersection of technology and leadership, and how these elements combine to forge exceptional digital experiences.

Latest 4 Posts

  1. Tech Titans Unveil New Gadgets: Innovation or Intrusion?

    Explore the latest from Google and OpenAI as they introduce a new assistant and search engine. This post delves into whether these innovations truly enhance our digital experience or merely serve as new tools for data collection. Join the discussion on the impact of these technologies on our privacy and digital freedom.

  2. Optimizing Your Design System Manager (DSM) Experience: Practical Tools and Strategies

    Discover essential tools and strategies to enhance your Design System Manager (DSM) experience. Learn how to use Figma, Style Dictionary, and other resources effectively to maintain consistency, improve collaboration, and streamline your design process. This guide covers everything from managing design tokens to integrating web components, providing you with actionable tips to optimize your DSM workflow.

  3. Simplifying E-Commerce Architecture

    Explore the benefits of Static Site Generators and Island Architecture for e-commerce with our expert guide. Learn how to simplify your web development process, enhance performance, and reduce costs, all while improving SEO and user experience. Perfect for businesses seeking sustainable, efficient digital solutions.

  4. Crafting an Effective Experience Pipeline - Insights and Strategies

    Explore the essence of SPEED in digital transformation, focusing on an efficient experience pipeline. This post delves into collaboration, strategy, product, experience, engineering, and data, illustrating how to innovate rapidly while ensuring quality.

12 more posts can be found in the archive.